Electronic Supply Chain Solutions is a Franchised Distributor. ESCS sponsors "THE INFORMATION SOURCE” blog to educate Electronic Buyers, Engineers, and Quality teams. “ESCS provides the latest information you need here, through social media and web content, empowering you to make sound business decisions”.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Are you ready for some FIRST Robotics?
As many are aware Electronic Supply Chain Solutions has been a supporter of FIRST Robotics Team 79 KRUNCH Eastlake High School along with Honeywell Clearwater in Florida starting back in 2006. This years 2011 marks the 20th season of the FIRST Robotics Competition. They have a lot to celebrate this year as FIRST has gone from 1 event to nearly 60 and from 28 teams to over 2000. Much has changed over the past twenty seasons, the games and kit of parts have become more complex, they have many more volunteers and staff working behind the scenes to make everything work, and they have several new countries as a part of FRC. But the key goals remain the same; commitment to Gracious Professionalism®, emphasis on learning, helping one another and inspiring careers in math, science, engineering and technology. ESCS urges you to visit http://www.usfirst.org/ and see if there is a program in your town and then..... get involved! Your children will benefit and thank you when they are old enough to realized the great opportunity you gave them by exposing them to FIRST Robotics. This year's game shall be announced in January 8, 2011 and all robots must be completed by ship deadline of 2/22/11 How do they do it???? Get involved and "prepare to be amazed" Visit http://www.electronicsupplychainsolutions.com/roboticsframe.htm to get peek of what is in store when your child takes an interest in science! Start them young with FIRST Lego League!
If you need help getting started call Electronic Supply Chain Solutions at 727-723-8255 and ask for ESCS President Mattthew Heaphy to learn more.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Are you in the Dark when it comes to Counterfeiting?
That's where Alp Vision's "Fingerprint " is a real breakthrough in identifying genuine manufactured objects from fake ones based on digital images of the original product stored in a secure server. Fingerprint is based on a stored image which registers unique, microscopic differences generated by the manufacturing process and the raw material used.Digital imaging software identifies these unique characteristics of the image due to intrinsic differences even though objects are produced in series. Fingerprint is a Read Only solution which simply relies on the object "as is". It therefore cannot be counterfeited.
Typical applications are authenticating genuine mechanical parts of watches, automotive spare parts, medical devices and genuine spare parts of all kinds. Bottles, cans, flasks or other conditioning with metallic or plastic parts are also concerned.
Protect moulded or stamped parts:
Protect moulded or stamped parts that are mass produced objects such as Integrated Circuits (ICs) using a mould or using stamping techniques, the same unique “signature” will be present on all the objects produced with the same mould or using the same stamping tool. Therefore if a few moulds or stamps are used, only a few reference images are necessary. Toys, game chips, automotive parts, aerospace parts, electromechanical parts, and medicinal tablets are typical Fingerprint applications.
Contact AlpVision if you need to know more or how the Fingerprint solution can be applied to your Brand Protection and Gray Market Detection of your products.
Fingerprint is a trade mark of AlpVision SA and is part of the AlpVision digital imaging security solutions.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Nomination Deadline - July 1, 2010
Nomination Deadline - July 1, 2010. This award recognizes a unique and outstanding contribution over a period of time to the work of the technical committees under the SAE Technical Standards Board in developing standards, specifications, technical reports, and data through cooperative research.
Electronic Supply Chain Solutions' President Matthew Heaphy III shall be nominated for the Arch T. Colwell Cooperative Engineering Medal. Mr. Heaphy has not only pioneered and debuted his Safe Source Seal program at NASA's Quality Leadership Forum, his membership in the CACP, GIDEP, and most importantly SAE's G-19 committee that addresses counterfeits has placed him in a position to be a focal point for many companies looking to mitigate their risks associated with electronic components. The G-19 committee produced the AS5553 standard and Mr. Heaphy continues to work to establish a standard to audit distributors to the AS5553 standard. ESCS's website http://www.combatcounterfeits.info/ is referenced by over 2000 unique visitors each month and also links to ESCS web site http://www.as5553.info/ and http://www.as9120.info/. Mr. Heaphy and ESCS staff have published an industry assessment was issued entitled, "Awareness and Industry Efforts to Combat Counterfeits in Aerospace & Military Electronic Component Procurement" which many companies have found invaluable when trying to put together their risk mitigation strategies. Mr. Heaphy has worked with the United Nations' Counterfeiting Task Force and continues the fight to Combat Counterfeits. These are just some of the reasons that the staff at ESCS shall nominate Matthew Heaphy III as a possible recipient of this prestigous award.
Friday, May 14, 2010
ESCS Conducts Important Business
"ESCS conducts business to safely transport the components you want with the AS9120 certified aerospace quality you require, while executing actions to mitigate risks to combat counterfeits in your supply chain".
We may not be rocket scientist, but we sure do deal with a lot of them!
ESCS = Problem Solved
If you have done business with the following manufacturers than you should be calling ESCS!
The list continues to grow but remember ESCS does not buy from brokers.
Call ESCS at 727-723-8255 x 105 today! for Factory Direct Components!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Franchised Distributor Electronic Supply Chain Solutions Provides Personal Attention to Details
Many of our military customers are use to demanding the best and ESCS has been providing that type of service for many years. Need special custom engineered products from ESCS? You will find Electronic Supply Chain Solutions can provide the precise device you expect with the quality you demand! Our Factory Direct Components relationships will mitigate the risk of counterfeits and provide you service you just won't find if you contact a manufacturer. Contat your ESCS rep today 727-723-8255
Posted by
Electronic Supply Chain Solutions is a Franchised Distributor of Components
10:48 AM
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Friday, April 23, 2010
What is AS5553 ? Why is it Important?
Electronics Supply Chain Solutions would like you to know about AS5553
New! Introduction to AS5553 and Counterfeit Electronic Parts Avoidance Training Seminar will be given by instructors: Phil Zulueta and Katherine Whittington on May 17, 2010 in Wichita, Kansas.Click Here to learn more about the instructors and the course.
This comprehensive seminar introduces participants to AS5553 and specifically addresses counterfeit part risk mitigation methods in electronic design and parts management, supplier management, procurement, part verification, material control, and response strategies when suspect or confirmed counterfeit parts are discovered. The seminar will provide information and guidance in each of these key requirement areas.
Registration Information: I.D. #C0950; Fees: $785; SAE Classic Members: $707; .7 CEUs
ESCS President Matthew Heaphy III has participated in this course and had found it to be of tremendous value. In order to combat counterfeits you need to educate your staff on what to look for in order to mitigate your risks. This course does provide you with needed knowledge and hands on training demanded by the surge of counterfeit parts entering the supply chain. Who should attend??? This seminar will benefit a wide range of individuals and experience levels across the electronics industry and supply chain. Anyone who designs, specifies, buys, receives, assembles and tests electronic hardware will benefit from this seminar. * ESCS does not have any afilllation with this offering and provides this information solely for the benefit of sharing quality information you can use.
To register, click Register button at the top of this page and submit the online form, or contact SAE Customer Service at 1-877-606-7323 (724/776-4970 outside the U.S. and Canada) or at CustomerService@sae.org.
New! Introduction to AS5553 and Counterfeit Electronic Parts Avoidance Training Seminar will be given by instructors: Phil Zulueta and Katherine Whittington on May 17, 2010 in Wichita, Kansas.Click Here to learn more about the instructors and the course.
This comprehensive seminar introduces participants to AS5553 and specifically addresses counterfeit part risk mitigation methods in electronic design and parts management, supplier management, procurement, part verification, material control, and response strategies when suspect or confirmed counterfeit parts are discovered. The seminar will provide information and guidance in each of these key requirement areas.
Registration Information: I.D. #C0950; Fees: $785; SAE Classic Members: $707; .7 CEUs
ESCS President Matthew Heaphy III has participated in this course and had found it to be of tremendous value. In order to combat counterfeits you need to educate your staff on what to look for in order to mitigate your risks. This course does provide you with needed knowledge and hands on training demanded by the surge of counterfeit parts entering the supply chain. Who should attend??? This seminar will benefit a wide range of individuals and experience levels across the electronics industry and supply chain. Anyone who designs, specifies, buys, receives, assembles and tests electronic hardware will benefit from this seminar. * ESCS does not have any afilllation with this offering and provides this information solely for the benefit of sharing quality information you can use.
To register, click Register button at the top of this page and submit the online form, or contact SAE Customer Service at 1-877-606-7323 (724/776-4970 outside the U.S. and Canada) or at CustomerService@sae.org.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
ESCS's Count2Fit Explains Risk Mitigation Plans
Application -The plan is frequently applied in the project management software as a series of tasks in addition to those that were on the original activity list. The risk mitigation plan may also identify specific triggers, which are events that spur action based on the escalating proximity of a given risk. As risks become imminent, the risk mitigation plan identifies what actions should occur and who is responsible for implementing those actions.
Content - The risk mitigation plan is a list of specific actions being taken to deal with specific risks. It often lists the names of the individuals responsible for carrying out those actions, as well. Ideally, it is an evolutionary document, capturing information on the outcomes of the risk strategies for future reference. It can be developed in a tabular format in a spreadsheet or in project management software, using the supplemental text fields that are available in most software packages. The latter approach is particularly effective when risks are identified and associated with specific work packages within the work breakdown structure. The plan may include guidance on how to write risk event statements, as well as how to write strategy or response statements. In general, both are significantly enhanced when written as full sentences detailing the nature of the risk and/or strategy under consideration.
Approaches - In defining risk responses or mitigation strategies, the Project Management Institute acknowledges four basic approaches: avoidance, acceptance, mitigation, and deflection. Whatever approaches are applied, definition of terms will be essential in crafting a sound mitigation plan. The document should incorporate reference to the terms and what they mean:
Responsible - Avoidance: To eliminate the conditions that allow the risk to be present at all, most frequently by dropping the project or the task. Acceptance: To acknowledge the risk’s existence, but to take no preemptive action to resolve it, except for the possible development of contingency plans should the risk event come to pass. Mitigation: To minimize the probability of a risk’s occurrence or the impact of the risk should it occur. Deflection: To transfer the risk (in whole or part) to another organization, individual, or entity. The risk mitigation plan or risk response plan should also include some guidance on the frequency of updates to the documentation. ESCS recomends 10 Steps a Manufacturer Can Take to Mitigate Counterfeit Risks
Considerations - If the risk mitigation or risk response plan is maintained separately from the project plan as a whole, it will be treated as a separate level of effort. Ideally, it should be integrated with other project plan documentation to ensure that it becomes part of the routine associated with project planning. To learn more about how to Combat Counterfeits visit Electronic Supply Chain Solutions many web sites that provide lessons learned to mitigate the risk of Counterfeits. Count2Fit & Professor Quality are the dynamic duo at ESCS that provide both of the components: Quatlity and Counterfeit risk mitigation to those looking to educate them self to Combat Counterfeits. If you need to buy electronic components safely call ESCS at 727-723-8255 ESCS is an AS9120 certified franchised and independant distibutor.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
ESCS provides solutions to the factors that lead to the growth of Tin Whiskers
Tin whiskers present a unique challenge to the electronics industry. There have been numbers of electronics failures in the market caused by tin whiskers since 1940s. After 2000, as a result of the global transition to lead-free electronics, the majority of the electronic component manufacturers are now using pure tin or tin-rich alloys for terminal and lead finishes. The increased used of tin based lead-free finishes and materials, focused concern and research on tin whiskers particular for long life and mission critical applications, such as space, aviation, and implantable medical devices. The Center of Advanced Life Cycle Engineering at the University of Maryland in collaboration with The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR) at Osaka University is conducting the Fourth International Symposium on Tin Whiskers.
What is a tin whisker? ESCS has the awnser. A tin whisker is a conductive tin crystal, which can spontaneously grow from tin based lead-free finished surfaces even at room temperature, often in a needle-like form. Oxidation in humid atmosphere, corrosion, intermetallic formation, stress under thermal cycling, external pressure in fine pitch connectors and electromigration have been shown to promote whisker formation.
Electronic Supply Chain Solutions urges those affected by tin wiskers to atten this symposium which will cover case histories, theories of tin whisker growth, experiments and results, risk evaluation methods and risk mitigation strategies. It is important to understand the current state of knowledge on the growth, risk and mitigation strategies, so you can develop effective qualification and mitigation procedures for your products. To learn more visit http://www.calce.umd.edu/tin-whiskers/symposia.htm Excerps taken from the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) &The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR), Osaka University
What is a tin whisker? ESCS has the awnser. A tin whisker is a conductive tin crystal, which can spontaneously grow from tin based lead-free finished surfaces even at room temperature, often in a needle-like form. Oxidation in humid atmosphere, corrosion, intermetallic formation, stress under thermal cycling, external pressure in fine pitch connectors and electromigration have been shown to promote whisker formation.
Electronic Supply Chain Solutions urges those affected by tin wiskers to atten this symposium which will cover case histories, theories of tin whisker growth, experiments and results, risk evaluation methods and risk mitigation strategies. It is important to understand the current state of knowledge on the growth, risk and mitigation strategies, so you can develop effective qualification and mitigation procedures for your products. To learn more visit http://www.calce.umd.edu/tin-whiskers/symposia.htm Excerps taken from the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) &The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR), Osaka University
Friday, April 2, 2010
TEAM KRUNCH 79 is Breaking Away
Electronic Supply Chain Solutions as many know has been a sponsor and mentor to team KRUNCH 79 along with many of the engineers at Honeywell and the parents of East Lake High School in Florida.
This years challenge called "BREAKAWAY" will once again call on both team work and gracios professionalism. We congratulate all the teams for thier efforts to date but now its KRUNCH TIME!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
AS5553 Counterfeit Standard Hits The Road
When...May 17, 2010 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m - Wichita, KS
Counterfeit electronic parts have been found in almost every sector of the electronics industry and continue to be an increasing threat to electronic hardware. This threat poses significant performance, reliability and safety risks. Aerospace industry organizations, in particular, must produce and continually improve safe and reliable products that meet or exceed customer and regulatory authority requirements. The SAE AS5553 standard was created in response to the significant and increasing volume of counterfeit electronic parts entering the aerospace supply chain and standardizes requirements, practices and methods for counterfeit parts risk mitigation. The resulting document presents solutions to address counterfeit electronic parts issues across a large cross-section of the electronics industry.
This comprehensive one-day seminar introduces participants to AS5553 and specifically addresses counterfeit part risk mitigation methods in electronic design and parts management, supplier management, procurement, part verification, material control, and response strategies when suspect or confirmed counterfeit parts are discovered. The seminar will provide information and guidance in each of these key requirement areas. The latter part of the course will highlight counterfeit detection techniques and part compliance verification methods. Several examples of counterfeit parts will be reviewed in detail. The course will conclude with a hands-on learning exercise in identifying, under a microscope, characteristics that can be found in counterfeit electronic parts. To accomplish this, attendees are encouraged to bring a personal laptop computer. The instructors will provide a limited number of digital microscopes and electronic parts.
In addition to the seminar handout, a copy of the AS5553-Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition standard is provided to each registrant.
Learning Objectives - By attending this seminar, you will be able to:
Characterize and describe the threat of counterfeit electronic parts
Identify the characteristics of an effective Counterfeit Parts Control Plan
Demonstrate one of the first steps in verification of purchased product (inspection techniques for counterfeit parts)
Recognize suspect counterfeit parts
Who Should Attend
This seminar will benefit a wide range of individuals and experience levels across the electronics industry and supply chain. Anyone who designs, specifies, buys, receives, assembles and tests electronic hardware will benefit from this seminar. This includes electronic design engineers, parts engineers, quality assurance engineers, buyers, auditors, inspectors, assemblers, electronic test engineers, microelectronic non-destructive test engineers, destructive test analysts, and supplier managers. Additionally, this seminar will benefit individuals in various levels of management that influence electronic hardware.
Introduction to AS5553 provide many terms and definitions including: Magnitude and impact of counterfeiting, Counterfeit electronic part examples, G-19 Committee and its challenges, AS5553 structure, requirements, Counterfeit electronic parts control plan, Parts availability, Purchasing processes, Procurement contract requirements, Verification of purchased , Control of suspect or confirmed counterfeit parts, Reporting, Future G-19 plans, Counterfeit Parts Recognition, Terms and definitions, Types of counterfeits, E-Waste,Documentation review, Slides of counterfeit parts and their features, n-destructive and destructive testing for counterfeits, Hands-on inspection with microscopes.
The Instructor(s): Phil Zulueta and Katherine Whittington are both with JPL!
Phil Zulueta manages the Hardware Technology Assurance Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he leads a team of engineers and technologists involved in Electronics Packaging Assurance Technologies, Non-destructive Evaluation, Electronics Manufacturing Technology Transfer (Training) and Certification, Electronics Inspection, Optical Metrology and Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) Awareness and Control. He is a JPL Program Element Manager for the NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program, facilitates the Counterfeit Parts Working Group meetings at JPL and Chairs the SAE G-19 Counterfeit Electronic Parts Committee. He is also a Past-President of the International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS). Prior to joining JPL, he was Western Regional Manager for Electro-Science Laboratories, a Program Manager for Ball Aerospace, an Engineering Group Manager for Hughes Microelectronics in Newport Beach, CA and a Microelectronics Process Engineer for Northrop Electronics. His education includes an MBA from Pepperdine University and a B.S. in Materials Engineering from California State University Long Beach.
Katherine Whittington is a Staff Engineer in the Electrical Parts Engineering organization at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She works as an analog parts specialist, and has been teaching a counterfeit parts awareness class at JPL since 2008. She has been a member of JPL's Counterfeit Parts Working Group (CPWG) since 2007. She holds a B.S. in Physics from UC Berkeley. She has extensive flight experience and holds an Airline Transport Pilot certificate.
Fees: $785 ; SAE Members: $707
Electronic Supply Chain Solutions President Matthew Heaphy III has taken this informative course on several occations at NASA's Quality Leadership Forum and is listed as a contributor. "He believes those who take this course will definatley gain a better understanding of what is required to combat counterfeits."
Looking to sharpen your skills visit http://www.combatcounterfeits.info/ , http://www.as5553.com/ , http://www.as9120.info/
When...May 17, 2010 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m - Wichita, KS
Counterfeit electronic parts have been found in almost every sector of the electronics industry and continue to be an increasing threat to electronic hardware. This threat poses significant performance, reliability and safety risks. Aerospace industry organizations, in particular, must produce and continually improve safe and reliable products that meet or exceed customer and regulatory authority requirements. The SAE AS5553 standard was created in response to the significant and increasing volume of counterfeit electronic parts entering the aerospace supply chain and standardizes requirements, practices and methods for counterfeit parts risk mitigation. The resulting document presents solutions to address counterfeit electronic parts issues across a large cross-section of the electronics industry.
This comprehensive one-day seminar introduces participants to AS5553 and specifically addresses counterfeit part risk mitigation methods in electronic design and parts management, supplier management, procurement, part verification, material control, and response strategies when suspect or confirmed counterfeit parts are discovered. The seminar will provide information and guidance in each of these key requirement areas. The latter part of the course will highlight counterfeit detection techniques and part compliance verification methods. Several examples of counterfeit parts will be reviewed in detail. The course will conclude with a hands-on learning exercise in identifying, under a microscope, characteristics that can be found in counterfeit electronic parts. To accomplish this, attendees are encouraged to bring a personal laptop computer. The instructors will provide a limited number of digital microscopes and electronic parts.
In addition to the seminar handout, a copy of the AS5553-Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition standard is provided to each registrant.
Learning Objectives - By attending this seminar, you will be able to:
Characterize and describe the threat of counterfeit electronic parts
Identify the characteristics of an effective Counterfeit Parts Control Plan
Demonstrate one of the first steps in verification of purchased product (inspection techniques for counterfeit parts)
Recognize suspect counterfeit parts
Who Should Attend
This seminar will benefit a wide range of individuals and experience levels across the electronics industry and supply chain. Anyone who designs, specifies, buys, receives, assembles and tests electronic hardware will benefit from this seminar. This includes electronic design engineers, parts engineers, quality assurance engineers, buyers, auditors, inspectors, assemblers, electronic test engineers, microelectronic non-destructive test engineers, destructive test analysts, and supplier managers. Additionally, this seminar will benefit individuals in various levels of management that influence electronic hardware.
Introduction to AS5553 provide many terms and definitions including: Magnitude and impact of counterfeiting, Counterfeit electronic part examples, G-19 Committee and its challenges, AS5553 structure, requirements, Counterfeit electronic parts control plan, Parts availability, Purchasing processes, Procurement contract requirements, Verification of purchased , Control of suspect or confirmed counterfeit parts, Reporting, Future G-19 plans, Counterfeit Parts Recognition, Terms and definitions, Types of counterfeits, E-Waste,Documentation review, Slides of counterfeit parts and their features, n-destructive and destructive testing for counterfeits, Hands-on inspection with microscopes.
The Instructor(s): Phil Zulueta and Katherine Whittington are both with JPL!
Phil Zulueta manages the Hardware Technology Assurance Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he leads a team of engineers and technologists involved in Electronics Packaging Assurance Technologies, Non-destructive Evaluation, Electronics Manufacturing Technology Transfer (Training) and Certification, Electronics Inspection, Optical Metrology and Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) Awareness and Control. He is a JPL Program Element Manager for the NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program, facilitates the Counterfeit Parts Working Group meetings at JPL and Chairs the SAE G-19 Counterfeit Electronic Parts Committee. He is also a Past-President of the International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS). Prior to joining JPL, he was Western Regional Manager for Electro-Science Laboratories, a Program Manager for Ball Aerospace, an Engineering Group Manager for Hughes Microelectronics in Newport Beach, CA and a Microelectronics Process Engineer for Northrop Electronics. His education includes an MBA from Pepperdine University and a B.S. in Materials Engineering from California State University Long Beach.
Katherine Whittington is a Staff Engineer in the Electrical Parts Engineering organization at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She works as an analog parts specialist, and has been teaching a counterfeit parts awareness class at JPL since 2008. She has been a member of JPL's Counterfeit Parts Working Group (CPWG) since 2007. She holds a B.S. in Physics from UC Berkeley. She has extensive flight experience and holds an Airline Transport Pilot certificate.
Fees: $785 ; SAE Members: $707
Electronic Supply Chain Solutions President Matthew Heaphy III has taken this informative course on several occations at NASA's Quality Leadership Forum and is listed as a contributor. "He believes those who take this course will definatley gain a better understanding of what is required to combat counterfeits."
Looking to sharpen your skills visit http://www.combatcounterfeits.info/ , http://www.as5553.com/ , http://www.as9120.info/
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Electronic Supply Chain Solutions Information Source: The United Nations teams up with Electronic Supply Chain Solutions Inc to Combat Counterfeits
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A Decade Past & ESCS Plans in 2010 . . . “The Way Forward”
It's been 10 Years since Y2K and ESCS is still here!
What we didn’t know was coming…. The stock market would crash, most dot.com companies would also crash, The WTC towers would fall and from that many of us would face large scale mortality. The Columbia space shuttle would explode killing all 7 inhabitants. A Tsunami in the Indian Ocean would kill 500,000 people. Our country would be deeply divided and it would force many of us to grow up “politically.” A bruising economic crash would physiologically wound many of us. MP3 players would become the rage with Napster. The IPOD would be introduced and then the Iphone; changing how we listen to music. Social networks would go high-tech with MySpace, Facebook, Tweeting wouldn’t just be for birds… Our new lingo would include... Alternative Medicine, American Idol, Blogging, Blu-rays, Cougars, Crocs, Dancing with the Stars, DVR’s, Food Network, Going Green, HDTV, Information Overload, iTunes, USB Drives, Texting, Wii, & YouTube. What the next 10 years may bring is both scary and exciting. I am a techno guy and can't wait! The way ESCS does business has also changed and will continue to embrace the added value technology brings. The old paradigms do not work so we must adapt. Hopefully, the greed of counterfeiters can be combated and substituted for pride in one’s work, a quest for excellence and quality, service, value and putting customers first. I’m optimistic of Electronic Supply Chain Solutions future. We have many new strategies and are constantly reinventing ourselves to be able to mitigate the risks of counterfeits while continue to meet our customers aerospace quality demands. AS9120 & AS5553 compliance will be mandatory. ESCS is scheduled for its seventh AS9120 quality audit and hoping for a 3rd 100% score for Y2K+10
What we didn’t know was coming…. The stock market would crash, most dot.com companies would also crash, The WTC towers would fall and from that many of us would face large scale mortality. The Columbia space shuttle would explode killing all 7 inhabitants. A Tsunami in the Indian Ocean would kill 500,000 people. Our country would be deeply divided and it would force many of us to grow up “politically.” A bruising economic crash would physiologically wound many of us. MP3 players would become the rage with Napster. The IPOD would be introduced and then the Iphone; changing how we listen to music. Social networks would go high-tech with MySpace, Facebook, Tweeting wouldn’t just be for birds… Our new lingo would include... Alternative Medicine, American Idol, Blogging, Blu-rays, Cougars, Crocs, Dancing with the Stars, DVR’s, Food Network, Going Green, HDTV, Information Overload, iTunes, USB Drives, Texting, Wii, & YouTube. What the next 10 years may bring is both scary and exciting. I am a techno guy and can't wait! The way ESCS does business has also changed and will continue to embrace the added value technology brings. The old paradigms do not work so we must adapt. Hopefully, the greed of counterfeiters can be combated and substituted for pride in one’s work, a quest for excellence and quality, service, value and putting customers first. I’m optimistic of Electronic Supply Chain Solutions future. We have many new strategies and are constantly reinventing ourselves to be able to mitigate the risks of counterfeits while continue to meet our customers aerospace quality demands. AS9120 & AS5553 compliance will be mandatory. ESCS is scheduled for its seventh AS9120 quality audit and hoping for a 3rd 100% score for Y2K+10
By ESCS President Matthew Heaphy III
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The United Nations teams up with Electronic Supply Chain Solutions Inc to Combat Counterfeits
The UN Regional Crime & Justice Research Institute or (unicri)
purpose is (advancing security, serving justice, & building peace) UNICR
seeks to shed light on topics such as money laundering, cyber crime,
counterfeiting, human trafficking, and corruption. (Click Here )
ESCS is not only the author of the A2Z Inspection, Test Protocols & Inspection Checklist, they also provide the industry valuable quality and counterfeiting information by sponsoring websites that include www.combatcounterfeits.info , www.AS5553.info , www.AS9120.info , www.escsinfo.com & www.qualitylessonslearned.com to name a few.
ESCS is not only the author of the A2Z Inspection, Test Protocols & Inspection Checklist, they also provide the industry valuable quality and counterfeiting information by sponsoring websites that include www.combatcounterfeits.info , www.AS5553.info , www.AS9120.info , www.escsinfo.com & www.qualitylessonslearned.com to name a few.
The UNICR has validated ESCS's combat counterfeit site by not only
providing links to our content but also utilizing our “STOP COUNTERFEITING”
logo in an exhibit they call “Art to fight crime”. ESCS President Matthew
Heaphy III stated “We were flattered when JPL & NASA aerospace counterfeit
teams acknowledged our contribution to their “Counterfeit Parts Avoidance
Training for EEE Parts” This latest use by the UN authenticates that our
content is worth another look to those who are seeking to mitigate their risks
in the electronic component supply chain”. Our sites contain characters such as
Professor Quality & Count 2 Fit, Lunch & Learn Workshops
and many links to information that you just won’t find in one place! If you are
looking for a Safe Source Seal for Aerospace Sourcing Assurance,
Electronic Supply Chain Solutions web products are the best place to pick up
some quality lessons learned.
Did we mention that ESCS has had six AS9120 audits with the
last two attaining perfect scores! Something special is going on here! Can your company afford not to be informed?
Call 727-723-8255
Our www.escsclickngo.com
website is visited by over two thousands of people per month and bookmarked by
62% who visit. Quality Content, Content, Content. It is the corner stone of our
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Military Supplier of Aerospace Spares
Electronic Supply Chain Solutions Inc. sponsors www.AerospaceSpares.com ESCS has delivered on many different items to support the aerospace community. ESCS states "Ïf it Flies, Floats, or Rolls, ESCS Supports It. Our AS9120 certification and our compliance to AS5553 make us the clear choice when sourcing hard to find spares.
From connectors,actives and passives to hardware items such as ANSI bolts and DFAR screws ESCS has become the supplier of choice to provide solutions, while mitigating risks associated with both electronic and mechanical parts. Call ESCS at 727-723-8255 today,
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