Monday, October 26, 2009

Risk Mitigation Starts With ESCS

Electronic Supply Chain Solutions Inc. pioneered the use of a free industry wide logo called Safe Source Seal which may be used by any distributor that meets the requirements of the program. The A2Z Inspection & Test Protocols with Inspection Check List- has also been made available to any company or distributors looking to leverage the lessons learned in the fight to combat counterfeits. These documents dovetail the new requirements of the AS5553 quality standard and provide a company the foundation for an anti counterfeit management program aimed at accessing the risks and definition of identifying authentic parts rather than just determining by some ones opinion that they may be counterfeit or not. The A2Z identifies the source of distribution as authorised or not and requirements necessary based on the source. The Safe Source Seal program goes beyond post inspection determination by putting the obligation on the supplier to identify the source thereby providing a baseline of defence to the inspection team. Training and awareness is key when addressing counterfeit components. ESCS has worked with the QLF, G-19 and JPL who has created a course which is currently being offered by the SAE called ‘Introduction to AS5553 and Counterfeit Electronic Parts Avoidance Training’, This course educates companies on the latest tricks of the trade. ESCS also provides a photo library of “tricks they play” on the website which offers a wide verity of information quality managers as well as procurement professionals can use to learn how to mitigate the risks of counterfeits.

CALCE is hosting a Counterfeit Avoidance Seminar in Dec. 2009. Visit this link to learn more!

At ESCS provides Procurement Professionals' G.E.M.S. - Generating Excellence in Material Supply because whatever aspect of the purchasing process you're involved in, decisions need to be made such as: How many suppliers should there be in the supply chain? Which supplier can confirm date code details, traceability and accurate information in a volatile environment? ESCS provides the support.

ESCS photographs every lot code and every date code of product we sell or inventory providing peace of mind and objective evidence for future liability. houses ESCS’s for sale inventory that is linked to Datasheets4u so you have the latest information on markings and packaging which empowers your inspection team with information they need to determine the required testing or course of action required to meet the purchase order terms. Product liability has been a fundamental component of the electronic industries manufacturers from both a creation of product and product quality standpoint. To safeguard against damages, manufacturers and suppliers must be able to file complete evidence of fault-free production of their products. An industry practice of providing a CofC with trace back to the OCM has become much more important. Government regulations outside the USA also become a factor. For this reason ESCS has chosen to only buy and sell to Americans. Most U.S. aerospace companies have their own standards, which need to be flowed down by their suppliers as part of their AS9120 certification. A risk assessment should also be done to identify the ability to meet the requirements of the purchase order.