Tuesday, March 20, 2012

When are they going to learn?

There is only one place for ULTRA Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Once again quality professionals from aerospace certified companies such as Electronic Supply Chain Solutions will flock to Cape Canaveral Florida to attend the NASA sponsored "Quality Leadership Forum" March 21 & 22 2012. Many will look to personally discover from the mouths of those on the SAE G-19 Committee and others, just what is being done to CombatCounterfeits in the electronics community. During the many scheduled panel discussions and presentations attendees will discover the "Quality LessonsLearned" and the way forward.  Some will have their first chance to attend a special one day workshop presented by the JPL. ESCS has contributed to the information be presented and urges anyone associated with the mitigation of risk of counterfeits to attend. Last year Electronic Supply Chain Solutions offered a FREE copy of the "ESCS A2Z Inspection & Test Protocol" to those in attendance. Those who missed the opportunity may contact ESCS directly. ESCS President Matthew Heaphy is a voting member of the SAE G-19 Counterfeit Committee which has published the aerospace AS5553 Standard, and continues to refine a standard for distribution started in 2009 which will be known as AS6081 upon its release this year. Those who assume that vendor reduction is the answer should attend. Sorry but it's just not that simple! Discover ESCS ULTRA  by clicking this link!