Friday, June 12, 2009


When it comes to electronic components.... some people pull theirs apart and some people just consume them without pulling them apart. ESCS uses a De-encapsulation process to microscopically inspect the substrate of the component, including the die and wafer markings, revealing the internal part numbers and logos supplied by the original component manufacturer. Electronic Supply Chain Solutions is a registered Safe Source Seal distributor that incorporates a simple procedure: sSs #1= Buy it from the factory sSs #2= Buy it from an authorized distributor or sSs # 3= Test the product at a 3rd party test house for an unbiased review of the parts functionality and a de-encapsulation to mitigate the risk of counterfeits. Prior to these tests ESCS utilizes it’s A2Z Inspection & Test Protocol which identifies any visual anomalies prior to implentation of the required testing to meet the customer’s demands or the milspec on file for that device. If you’ve got milk and cookies you may feel great but finding a supplier like ESCS that can combat counterfeits by pulling your components apart prior to their shipment is just another layer of Aerospace Sourcing Assurance.

Those who use ESCS COTSS services also found AS5553 info and AS9120 info interesting .