Friday, June 4, 2010

Nomination Deadline - July 1, 2010

There is no greater reward than being recognized by peers for the work accomplished during one's lifetime. The SAE has award and recognition programs to offer that are specific to the standards and the related community. These programs allow individuals to be recognized for outstanding leadership, technical expertise, and other significant contributions to the industry. The SAE invites you to nominate your colleagues for the Arch T. Colwell Cooperative Engineering Medal
Nomination Deadline - July 1, 2010.  This award recognizes a unique and outstanding contribution over a period of time to the work of the technical committees under the SAE Technical Standards Board in developing standards, specifications, technical reports, and data through cooperative research.

Electronic Supply Chain Solutions' President Matthew Heaphy III shall be nominated for the Arch T. Colwell Cooperative Engineering Medal. Mr. Heaphy has not only pioneered and debuted his Safe Source Seal program at NASA's Quality Leadership Forum, his membership in the CACP, GIDEP, and most importantly SAE's G-19 committee that addresses counterfeits has placed him in a position to be a focal point for many companies looking to mitigate their risks associated with electronic components. The G-19 committee produced the AS5553 standard and Mr. Heaphy continues to work to establish a standard to audit distributors to the AS5553 standard.  ESCS's website is referenced by over 2000 unique visitors each month and also links to ESCS web site and Mr. Heaphy and ESCS staff have published an  industry assessment was issued entitled, "Awareness and Industry Efforts to Combat Counterfeits in Aerospace & Military Electronic Component Procurement" which many companies have found invaluable when trying to put together their risk mitigation strategies. Mr. Heaphy has worked with the United Nations' Counterfeiting Task Force and continues the fight to Combat Counterfeits. These are just some of the reasons that the staff at ESCS shall nominate Matthew Heaphy III as a possible recipient of this prestigous award.