Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ESCS Information Source calls Attention to SVHC. How will it effect you?

What is SVHC?
The European Union's REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals)                     Regulation mandates all manufacturers of articles communicate the presence of SVHCs                   (Substances of Very High Concern) which they sell in the European Union.
ESCS has scrapped the following SVHC information from REACHSPOT 


A Blog for All Information Relating to REACH Legislation

The European Union's REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) Regulation mandates all manufacturers of articles communicate the presence of SVHCs (Substances of Very High Concern) which they sell in the European Union.
Under the REACH regulations, everyone has been eager to see what the SVHC substances will be. Here is the proposed SVHC 16 that was just released:
The proposal includes the following 16 substances:

REACH SVHC Substances

- Anthracene - 4,4'
- Diaminodiphenylmeth ane
- Dibutyl phthalate
- Cyclododecane
- Cobalt dichloride
- Diarsenic pentaoxide
- Diarsenic trioxide
- Sodium dichromate, dihydrate
- 5-tert-butyl- 2,4,6-trinitro- m-xylene (musk xylene)
- Bis (2-ethyl(hexyl) phthalate) (DEHP)
- Hexabromocyclododec ane (HBCDD)
- Alkanes, C10-13, chloro (Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins)
- Bis(tributyltin) oxide
- Lead hydrogen arsenate
- Triethyl arsenate
- Benzyl butyl phthalate

More information about the Proposed Candidates List is located here:
http://echa. consultations/ authorisation/ svhc/svhc_ cons_en.asp

Click on 'Link to the Annex XV report' for details on each substance.

Once the list is finalized and in effect, Authorization will be required if companies use these substances.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Don't be fooled by a wig and a mustache. Combat Counterfeits

Electronic Supply Chain Solutions has the dynamic duo of Professor Quality and Count 2 Fit to assure both your quality and counterfeits concerns are addressed. Working together they educate and inform our customers of the latest concerns and issues in both the world of quality standards and the steps needed to combat counterfeits.

SAE International recently responded to the problem of counterfeiting by completing this
past fall a new standard designed to mitigate the risks of receiving and
installing counterfeit electronic parts. The SAE standard, AS5553:
Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and
Disposition, which was created by the Counterfeit Electronic
Parts Committee (G-19), standardizes the requirements, practices,
and methods related to parts management, supplier management,
procurement, inspection, test/evaluation, and response strategies when
suspected or confirmed counterfeit parts are discovered.Electronic Supply Chain Solutions' President Matthew Heaphy is among the small group of individuals that make up the G-19 committee.
The standard was recently adopted by the U.S. Department of Defense.
How do counterfeit parts get into the supply chain of the aviation
industry, which has a reputation for thoroughness and security? It
begins with simple economics - supply and demand. The volume of
electronics used by the military and the airline industry is miniscule
compared to the public’s use, which includes cell phones, computers
and entertainment systems. Chip manufacturers focus on meeting
these large volume needs and subsequently stop producing the less profitable
aerospace components.
When original equipment manufacturers can no longer buy from an
original component manufacturer, they must go to the open market and
find a broker who can supply the equipment. Counterfeiters are aware
of the shortages and begin approaching brokers with the bogus goods.
Brokers must rely on the word of the suppliers and have no way of
determining if the electronic parts are bogus.
The control plan includes processes to specifically address
counterfeit part risk mitigation methods in electronic design and parts
management, supplier management, procurement, part verification,
material control and response strategies when suspect or confirmed
counterfeit parts are discovered.
The standard calls for maximized availability of authentic parts;
procurement of parts from reliable sources; assuring authenticity
and conformance of procured parts; control of parts identified as
counterfeit; and reporting counterfeit parts to other potential users and
government investigative authorities.
The Counterfeit Electronic Parts Committee has recently begun work
on a new related document, AS6081, Counterfeit Electronic Parts;
Avoidance Protocol, Distributors. Watch for more info as it becomes available.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How do we mitigate the risks of counterfeits?

Counterfeits: Are approximately 10% of All Global Goods, Cost Industry Up to $500 B Annually, Impact 300,000+ Jobs Annually, Decrease Customer Satisfaction & Acceptance, Increase Costs for Legitimate Manufacturers, Distributors and Brokers, Reduce Yields, Increase Field Failures, Necessitate Product Inspection, Prompt Litigation, Cause Injury, Increase Risks to your company. So where can you go to learn how to combat counterfeits? &, Purchase your copy of the A2Z Inspection & Test Protocol