Wednesday, April 22, 2009

ESCS shares it's A2Z Intellectual Property

The ESCS A2Z Inspection & Testing Protocol covers everything from A2Z.
What the ESCS Protocol Contains:
Evaluating electronic component authenticity requires a methodical progression through a range of possible testing processes. Beyond a basic list of visual and marking tests, how can you know what other tests should be performed?
When should you have a "de-cap" done?
Is a solder test needed?
Should you require 100% testing of all parts, or is a sample enough?
If you're inspecting a sample only, how large of a sample size should you use?
What "flags" should lead to more comprehensive testing, and what should that include? The ESCS A2Z Inspection & Testing Protocol provides the step-by-step requirements to help you mitigate the risk of counterfeit components entering your supply chain. It not only defines all steps of the inspection process; but also the conditions under which additional testing should be required, and what that should include.
Order the ESCS A2Z Inspection & Testing Protocol to validate component authenticity, and to know when 3rd party functionality testing is needed to ensure your components perform to the original manufacturer's specification. Select a competent test house, and ensure they perform the test procedures recommended by ESCS in the A2Z Inspection & Testing Protocol.

How to Get a Copy
The complete ESCS A2Z Inspection & Testing Protocol is available for $275. Ask us how you can receive a full rebate of your cost by doing business with ESCS. At, we promote open information sharing of all resources aerospace and military manufacturers need to develop a sound counterfeit risk mitigation strategy. The ESCS A2Z Inspection & Testing Protocol is, however, a proprietary process, and is protected by copyright law. Please click on the pad above.One of ESCS' qualified staff will contact you to arrange delivery. Electronic Supply Chain Solutions accepts Visa, Master Card, and Discover card to expedite your delivery!

Get Prepared with an ESCS .INFO Jam

Electronic Supply Chain Solutions -the company that brought you deputes it's latest suite of quality info websites . The 3 sister sites were developed to educate the quality community of Manufacturers, Suppliers and anyone looking to mitigate the risks in thier supply chain. is dedicated to promoting best practices to reduce the incidence of counterfeit electronic components in the aerospace and military manufacturing supply chain. provides the aerospace community with key information and resources on the SAE Aerospace AS5553 Standard - Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition. Learn why this new standard is so important! provides the aerospace community with information and resources on the Aerospace AS9120 Quality Management Certification for Stockist Distributors . It was developed for pass-through distributors of aerospace commodity items. This standard addresses chain of custody, split lot traceability, control and availability of records.

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